Dorian Therapeutics is the leading company working on senoblockers, a new class of therapeutics that can rejuvenate cells and tissues. Based on a patented technology developed at Stanford University, Dorian’s team is bringing to the clinic an innovative solution for age-associated diseases.

The Problem: Aging
There is one common risk factor for the majority of diseases in the developed world: aging.
At Dorian, we are rethinking how to address these unmet medical needs and we have found our answer in the biology of aging.

Younger, for longer.

The Solution:
During aging, there is a decrease in the activity of stem cells, and therefore a reduced regenerative capacity. Additionally, senescent cells accumulate in the body and poison entire tissues.
Dorian's Senoblockers act on epigenetic regulators to reverse both processes, reactivating programs of youthfulness and regeneration.